Angling guide and Fishery manager Shane Gallagher reports from the waiting banks of the river Drowes:

07/01 One week into the new season and the first salmon of 2015 has yet to be landed. There was one fish reported lost from the Mill Pool on Monday but otherwise fishing has been very quiet.

Drowes - Jan 2015

Conditions have improved since opening day and water levels had dropped to just above 0.8 metres on the gauge before rising again following a very wet and windy day today. The last few days have seen good conditions but despite this the only reports are of some fish seen and one fish reported lost from the Mill Pool after 4 to 5 minutes on Monday. The first fish of 2014 was caught this day last year, 7th January, in much higher water. More wet and windy weather is forecast up to the end of this week which is likely to bring a further rise in water levels.

Shane Gallagher
Drowes Salmon Fishery
T: +353 (0) 71 98 41055
M: +353 (0) 87 8050806

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