Ronan Cusack tells us there is not much to report from Lough Mask over the past few days, other than rising water levels and extremely cold weather. Anglers who have braved the elements and ventured out have been rewarded with some good fishing.

Father and son team Martin and David Connors fished Mask from Cushlough on Wednesday last in Baltic conditions and they had 9 trout over the legal limit (Best 2lbs all returned). They also returned a number of undersize. The lads fished again on Sunday and managed a further 2 (Best 3lbs, all returned).

David Connors from Ballinrobe with a nice Mask trout, February 2015
David Connors from Ballinrobe with a nice Mask trout, February 2015
Martin Connors from Ballinrobe with an early season Mask trout, February 2015
Martin Connors from Ballinrobe with an early season Mask trout, February 2015

Another Father and son duo who fished during the week was Gerry and Damien O’Brien originally from Co Tipperary. They had 5 fish on Friday (Best 3lbs all returned). Ronan Cusack and Mark Rogan fished for a few hours on Saturday last and they had 1 trout (1.5lbs) and returned 2 undersize. Wet-flies fished on anything from intermediate to fast sinking lines over shallow water, seem to be the preferred method at the moment.

Conditions for the coming week are not to improve with lots more rain, snow and cold winds on the horizon.

Go Fishing…

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