Rookie Bass Angler Steven Neely goes afloat on an inflatable canoe in Fermanagh and together with his girlfriend stir up quite a ruckus with the pike who were going bonkers for small shads and paddle tails!  Read what Steve has to say:
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI have been planning to go a float to chase some perch for a while – the lakes which we fish are usually only accessible from one or two spots off the shore so the logic was to get a float and start working structure i.e. drop offs, holes etc.
We arrived just after first light to find our chosen spot frozen – not exactly the start we had planned! After closer inspection we realised it was thin enough around the edges to allow us to get around and out into the clearer water in the middle.
We set off with myself and my girlfriend in an inflatable canoe and my father in a one man kayak. We would use the fish finder on my fathers kayak to work out the terrain.
Steven Neely - Inflatable canoe pikeThe plan was for perch but that didn’t seem to go as planned – for whatever reason the fish just didn’t seem to be on the feed.
The pike on the other hand were going bonkers for small shads and paddle tails! We had numerous jack pike, all in prime condition and ready for a good scrap on the light tackle.
It was a bit hit and miss in the morning but as the light started to drop we moved into the margins and began to stack up on numbers.
Nothing huge – the biggest pike was around 8lb but it was epic fun on light – 7ft, 3-14g rods!
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs always the best part was a speedy release and watching them swim away again back to their ambush spots … For the first attempt a float it had all gone according to plan!
We had a combined total of 24 pike and 2 perch.
Steven Neely - Inflatable canoe pike (2)I think it won’t be too long before we are back out again and stalking some more weedy margins.
Some of the footage captured can be seen on the Fish On Lures You Tube channel or via the link below:

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Steven Neely
Rookie Bass Angler
DISCLAIMER NOTE: Inland Fisheries Ireland do not support any brand over another.