Owen Kelly, IFI Assistant Inspector for the North Western River Basin District recently hosted a river walk for the Donegal Association of An Taisce.  The event was attended by 57 people including members from local angling clubs in Glenties and Ardara. Many topics were covered during the evening including the life cycles of various fish well as habitats and species. A demonstration on electro fishing and kick sampling was carried out and everyone had the opportunity to view macro invertebrates up close with the aid of field microscopes.

The group also examined a sample from the Laghey River and compared it to one from the Owenea River, noting the abundance and diversity of the sample in Laghey compared to Owenea due to the relative acidity and natural productivity of the two rivers.

 IFI Assistant Inspector for the North Western River Basin District hosting a river walk
Owen Kelly, IFI Assistant Inspector for the North Western River Basin District hosting a river walk for the Donegal Association of An Taisce