Paddy Halpin from IFI Limerick reports from the River Feale…

We had 4 fish reported for the past week on the River Feale and all were got before the big flood on the 1st of April. Among the lucky anglers was Stephen Prendiville who got his  fresh run fish of 8lbs on fly in the Killocrom/Finuge stretch.

Shane Loughnane
Shane Loughnane

William Tomas also had a fish of on the fly in the same area. Shane Loughnane from Listowel had a fish of about 8lbs while spinning in the North Kerry Anglers waters as did Robert Devitt who had a good fish of 10lbs on the fly there.

Stephen Prendiville
Stephen Prendiville

We had a big flood on the 1st of April which is still dropping and there was great fly fishing water this week but it’s gone very cold with a strong wind at the moment.

Go Fishing…

About 50% of the main River Feale and the Smearlagh River is controlled by 5 angling clubs. These clubs are some of the best angling waters and each club offers day tickets for visiting anglers. The rest of the Feale and its tributaries are effectively open waters, but it is recommended that local advise and direction be sought before accessing any stretches of the system. All club waters are signposted and some club stretches may vary annually. Find out more at: