Fishery manager Osgur Grieve was in touch to report on fishing over the last three weeks. There were 10 salmon and 33 sea trout caught on the Erriff over the 2 weeks up to the 12th June, along with 30 brown trout on Tawnyard Lough for a half days fishing. Salmon came off beats 5 to 9 during this period.
Benny Christoph from Germany fished on the 1st and caught a grilse weighing 3.2lbs. Raphael Amat had a nice 3.8lbs grilse on the 2nd on a Cascade of his own tying. Raphael also had 16 sea trout for his stay ranging in weight from 0.5-1lb. He also lost a large salmon in the Bridge Pool on the evening of the 2nd much to everyone’s disappointment. Jeff Pole (UK) had a fresh 3.75lbs grilse on the 6th from the Upper Garden Pool which was the same spot where he caught his grilse last year. Stuart Woodhead fished on the 5th and caught and released 5 sea trout ranging in weight from 0.5lbs-1.25lbs on a small Watsons Fancy.
Regular visitor Gerard Garnier (France) started his holiday off nicely on the 8th with a 7.5lbs salmon from the Colonels Run on Beat 6. Local angler Phillip Clesham had a nice grilse on the 9th, estimated at 5.5lbs from the Sally Pool on Beat 7 which he sportingly released.
We had a spate on the 10th which brought the river up to 1.8m, during that day Gavin Dunbar (UK) had a 9lbs salmon on an Ally’s Shrimp from the Broken Bridge Pool on Beat 5 and lost another grilse. Regular visitor Enda O’Connell had a 3.8lbs grilse on a Cascade from the Gauge Pool on Beat 9. With the water clear on the 11th Gerard Garnier (France) was first into action with a 5.25lbs salmon caught on a Cascade of his own tying from the Coronation Pool on Beat 8. Then it was Enda O’Connell’s turn who caught a 3.5lbs grilse from the Falls and followed that up later that morning with another grilse this time from the Upper Square Pool on beat 9 estimated at 3.5lbs which he sportingly released. There were 12 sea trout caught and released ranging from 0.5lbs – 1lbs for the week.
Two anglers fished Tawnyard Lough for half a day on the 8th and had great sport catching and releasing 30 brown trout up to 1lb and a sea-trout of 0.5lb, with many more brownies hooked and lost. As the summer progresses we should see more sea trout entering the lough.
The following is the report from the 12th – 18th. Gerard Garnier (France) struck again on the 13th with a small grilse of 2.75lbs from the Bridge Pool on his own Cascade, the day after he was in again with another grilse the same size as the day before, 2.75lbs, this time from Doyle’s Pool on Beat 6. The next evening regular visitor Ken Mills (UK) had a nice grilse of 3.6lbs from the Falls Pool on a Silver Stoat’s Tail. On the 15th Enda O’Connell had a springer estimated at 8lbs from the Colonel’s Pool on Beat 6 which he released. Also that day Simon Price (UK) caught and released a 6lbs grilse on a Currys Red Shrimp from Beat 8 above the Holly Pool, not to be outdone Gerard Garnier caught a 4.5lbs grilse from the Coronation Pool on Beat 8 later that day.
Stephen Simmons fished hard for a few days and was rewarded on his last day with a 3.5lbs grilse from the Falls on a black tailed shrimp fly. Regular visitor Andrew Beattie (UK) fished on the evening of the 18th and was rewarded with a 3lbs grilse fresh in from the tide. This fish was part of a small pod of fish observed entering the system on that evenings tide. There were also some nice sea-trout in the 0.75lbs. – 1.75lbs bracket caught and released for this period.
I was out at the Erriff myself this week and saw plenty of salmon and sea trout jumping at the falls, so there appear to be good numbers of fish running now. Anglers should be in for plenty of action if the weather plays ball and keeps the river at a good level.
To book fishing or accommodation, contact Aasleagh Lodge at 095 42382 or check