Culdaff SAC report on their Open Shore Competition which was held on Saturday 29th October.


  • 1st John Shields 24 fish 701 points
  • 2nd Eugene Andrews 22 fish 588 points
  • 3rd Mike Henry 13 fish 341 points

Zone A Harry Mc Kee snr
Zone B Neil Boon

  • 1st junior Sean Mc Grenaghan
  • 2nd junior Kyle Ball

Longest flat 39cm flounder Neil Boon
Longest round 33cm coalie joint Paddy O Boyle, Gary Mc Curry and Cathal Donnelly

Neil Boon with the longest flatfish caught at the 2016 Culdaff Open, a 39cm Flounder
Neil Boon with the longest flatfish caught at the 2016 Culdaff Open, a 39cm Flounder

A big thank you to the Loughs Agency for their continued support and McGuinness bar culdaff for the premises for the presentation.

Report compliments of Culdaff SAC

Culdaff SAC fishes both boat and shore. They welcome new members both experienced and novice.

Contact Marc at for information becoming a member.