A French film crew assisted by well-known international fly angler Campbell Baird visited the Boyne and Fane recently to showcase some of Irelands top wild brown trout fisheries. The main part of the film was being shot on Lough Sheelin during the mayfly but it was decided to visit some rivers as well to highlight the quality of wild brown trout fishing available on the rivers as well. The crew was hosted on the Boyne by Trim Athboy and District Anglers, Rossin Slane and District Anglers, Drogheda and District Anglers and on the Fane by the Dundalk Brown Trout Anglers Association. Some fantastic fishing was sampled by Campbell and Philippe Collet who landed some fine wild brown trout at each location. Clubs were represented by Pat O’Toole in Trim, Peter Cunningham in Drogheda and Matt Campbell in Dundalk. It is hoped that not alone will the fishing attract additional anglers to the area but the heritage sites that line the river such as Trim Castle and Newgrange that provided stunning backdrops to the river fishing will also play an important part in attracting more visitors to Ireland.

Information on fishing on the River Boyne and its tributaries can be found at the following link https://fishinginireland.info/trout/east.htm

Irelands' Wild Brown Trout are Much Sought After by International Anglers
Irelands’ Wild Brown Trout are Much Sought After by International Anglers
Campbell Baird Takes a Trout to the Net (Trim Castle in the Background)
Campbell Baird Takes a Trout to the Net (Trim Castle in the Background)
Philippe Collet and Campbell Admire A Beautifully Marked Wild Brown Trout From the Lower Boyne (Newgrange in the Background)
Philippe Collet and Campbell Admire A Beautifully Marked Wild Brown Trout From the Lower Boyne (Newgrange in the Background)
Philippe Collet, Campbell Baird and Pat Burns on the Boyne at Trim
Philippe Collet, Campbell Baird and Pat O’Toole on the Boyne at Trim