Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane where the warm weather of the weekend revitalised the fishing…

23/3/17 All the Lough Currane anglers caught today was a frozen asset as temperatures plummeted, as my Noble Salmon froze the angler into defeat and into despair and why you ask yourself, its simple, they lack professionalism and the best of all they lack ability in all departments and the truth of the pudding is in the eating of. Wind East light to calm with bright sunshine. Amount of rainfall yesterday 0.1mm. Maximum air temperature 9.3c. Minimum 3.0c.

24/3/17 There were 5 boats out on this day, with bright sunshine all day with a light East wind this morning then veered West this afternoon, light with hardly a cloud in site all day and in the words of one Gillie all I caught today was Duck fly at the back of my throat, well at least the news of the Duck fly is good news so it won’t be long before the first specimen Sea Trout will be caught, fly anglers take note. Wind as already stated. Max air temperature 9.3c. Minimum 5.8.c.

Tham with a salmon

25/3/17 All the Salmon headlines go to local angler Mr. Anulak Hitmiangsong and for good reason, Tham caught a fine 10lbs. Salmon on the troll off the point of Grassy Island and quote of the day is, Honourable Son-in-law 1. Honourable Father-in-law 0 so let battle commence. Now for the rest of the news There were 6 boats out in total. Wind West light with clear blue sky’s and bright sunshine all day. Maximum air temperature 14.3c. Minimum 3.5c.

26/3/17 All the headlines go to Mr. Maurice Quinlan Kenneigh, Caherciveen, he caught a cracker of a 9lbs. Salmon, while trolling with his good friend and Gillie Mr. Terence Wharton junior. Wind SE light to fresh with bright sunshine all day. Yesterday’s air temperatures, maximum 18.8c Minimum 1.5c.

showing off the catch
Judy from Colorado, caught a cracker of a 12 ½ lbs. Salmon on the troll

27/3/17 It was Lady’s day on Lough Currane today and for good reason, US Angler Judy from Colorado, caught a cracker of a 12 ½ lbs. Salmon on the troll while fishing with her Gillie and just for the record this is the biggest Salmon caught so far this season so congratulations to Judy, just for the record Judy is staying with local Jim Hall of Triphailme on Cliff Rd, Waterville. Now for the rest of today’s angling news there isn’t any for the simple reason the other 5 boats failed miserably in their duties. Wind SE fresh with bright sunshine all day. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 17.8c. Minimum 7.4c.

28/3/17 Straight to quote of the day and fish of the day. Local Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley caught a fine 9 lbs. Salmon on the troll, I asked Bob you must be delighted and Bob replied, it took me 8 weeks to catch my first Salmon, wouldn’t you be delighted, if you took 8 weeks to catch your first Salmon. Now to the photography department, we have a new Salmon paparazzi photographer, yes the one and only Mr. Robert Elson of The Crescent B+B Lower Waterville, Co. Kerry. Tel:+353 66 9478530  As you can see by the photos I will have to watch it. Wind South strong and overcast with showers. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 17.8c. Minimum 9.4c.

29/3/17 There  was some cracking fishing on the Waterville Fishery today, so lets get to the action. We start on the world Famous Butler Pool and for good reason renowned  Waterville Golfer Mr. Liam Higgins, caught a fine 12 lbs. Salmon on the fly this morning. Now for the Butler Pool quote of the day, comes from Liam’s Daughter Lynda Higgins and I quote, two in one week, not bad going, think he should pack in the golf and take up fishing, well I would beg to differ because Liam is making we pro anglers look like amateurs so my advise is stick to the golf! Now we head down stream to the mighty Lough Currane and Straight the Mouth of the Commeragh Dr. Tim O’Connor of Cork and Waterville caught a cracker of a lightening fresh 10 lbs. Salmon on the fly, while fishing with his gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of Now we head for the trolling department, French angler Mr. Pierre Loyer of Paris, France, caught a cracker of a 10 lbs. Salmon on the troll while fishing with his Gillie and finished his day off with two fine Brown Trout. Wind South fresh and overcast with showers. Amount of rainfall yesterday 5.2mm.

That is your ration from the last week on Lough Currane, from your Gillie and the Waterville Fishery, no spin no fly’s just facts.
Vincent Appleby

Make a Booking

Vincent Appleby Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see