Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane…

20/9/17 Straight to the C&R department. A Guest fishing with his gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of caught and released a fine 4 ½ lbs. Salmon on the troll. I believe that was the only boat out fishing and it just proves one thing; if your out there, My Noble Gentlemen, the Salmon can be caught. Wind NE light and overcast with heavy down pours. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 4.8mm. Maximum air temperature 15.2C.

21/9/17 All anglers failed miserably in their duties in all departments this day on Lough Currane. What can one say except a few lessons in the presentation department wouldn’t do any harm! Wind SW light to fresh with bright sunshine all day, at least my Noble Anglers caught a suntan! Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 13. 2 mm. Maximum air temperature 15.5C.

22/9/17 There was approximately 12 boats manipulating on the Waters of Lough Currane today and all the headlines come from the south side and hired out boat department of and for good reason, UK angler Mr. Chris Mills, caught and released a cracker of a 10 ½ lbs. specimen Sea Trout, caught on the fly and by all accounts Chris had one hell of a Gillie 90 years young, UK Angler Mr. Jim Woodhead, who I might add has been fishing Waterville Lake for 40 years. Just for the record I believe it’s the biggest Sea Trout that Chris has ever caught and the biggest that Jim has ever netted, what a combination and not forgetting the silver Invicta trout fly! Wind North in the morning and veered West in the afternoon with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.2mm. Maximum air temperature 15.3c.

23/9/17 Lough Currane was at a standstill, thanks to a strong to storm force Southerly wind blowing across the Lake, you could say it was batten down the hatches me hearties! Wind as already stated. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 13.2 mm. Maximum air temperature 16c.

calm water
A calm Currane

24/9/17 We start in the back date department there was a fine 7 ½ lbs Salmon caught the other day by Luxembourg Angler Ernie, while Fishing on the World Famous Butler Pool and at  and staying on the Butler Pool, there was another fine Grilse caught today. Now we head upstream to the great Lough Currane where there was some good action in the Salmon department, so as we head down North shore to the Bungalow, Luxembourg Angler, Mr. Amlung Bob and fishing out of caught and released a fine 6 ½ lbs Salmon, while trolling with his Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea and at We stay on the North shore and the  home of Salmon fishing the Bungalow, a Guest while trolling with his Gillie Neil O’Shea of caught and released a fine 4 ½ lbs. Grilse and finished their day off with C&R 1 ½ lbs. Sea Trout. Just for the record there were 10 boats out this day. Wind West light to calm with bright sunshine. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 8.0mm. Maxinum air temperature 16.1.

25/9/17 All the Lough Currane C&R headlines come from the World wide web of and for good reason, UK anglers caught 3 Salmon while trolling with their Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of their biggest weighed in at 13 lbs the other two Salmon weighed in at 4 ½ and 6 lbs. I can tell you there were a few envious anglers as they watched Local Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea release all three back into the Currane system. Wind South light with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 16.8c.

26/9/17 All the C&R Salmon fly headlines come from the World Wide Web of UK angler, Mr. Phil Staniforth, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of   caught a fine 6 lbs. Grilse and in the words of his Gillie, it was rough out there. I think that sums up today’s manipulations. Wind S Strong with good cloud cover. Yesterday weather, amount of rainfall 0.2mm. Maximum air temperature 16.6c.

That is your ration from the last week on Lough Currane, from your Gillie and the Waterville Fishery, no spin no fly’s just facts.

Vincent Appleby

Make a Booking

Vincent Appleby Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see