Osgur Grieve reports that they had another brilliant week here on the Erriff with 56 salmon landed for the period 16th – 22nd August…
The fish have been coming to a variety of flys from nearly the entire length of the river which is great to see. Some of the catches includes, Ross Varian who fished with us on Wednesday 16th and released 2 grilse of 2lbs. and 3.5lbs from tawnyard potholes and mike’s pools on beat 3 using a yellow and black conehead and a garry dog. On Thursday 17th Jonathan Murray and Stephen Coulter fished with us and released 6 salmon between them ranging in weight from 3lbs. – 7lbs. from Altamot’s dam and colonel’s pool on beat 6 and the square pools on 9 on a Bann special and a Dunkeld. On Friday 18th Aidan Crean released 3 grilse of 5lbs., 4lbs., 4lbs. from colonel’s run on beat 6 and bridge pool and paddy stick pool on beat 3 using a Tosh fly. Roy Sanderson also fished on the 18th and released a 5lbs. grilse from the broken bridge pool on beat 5 using an Ally’s shrimp. Kevin Cronin was also into action on the Coronation pool on beat 8 releasing a 3lbs. grilse and loosing another bigger fish at the net.
Saturday 19th was a red letter day producing 24 salmon for the day! The combination of high water for the previous 2 days meant that with the water showing 1.36m in the morning and dropping for the day it was perfect conditions for the anglers. Jonathan Murray and Stephen Coulter (N.I.) returned and released 7 grilse between 2lbs. and 6lbs. in the Coronation pool on beat 8 and the Hill and Joyce’s sands on beat 5 using Bann special, garry dog, cascade. Regular visitor Martin Witort released 2 salmon from the Quarry pool on Beat 2 of 5lbs. and 8lbs. on a shrimp fly. and another of 4lbs. from Beat 6. James Muckian released a 4lbs. grilse from White rock run on Beat 7 using a kingfisher stoat and another 4lbs. grilse from the washing pool on Beat 4 using a Curry’s red shrimp. Noel Fitzpatrick broke his unlucky spell with salmon and released a 3lbs. grilse from The Oaks on Beat 3 using a red shrimp fly. Glen Harmon also returned for a day and released 2 nice grilse of 4lbs. and 6lbs. from Kings pool on Beat 4 using a red ally’s shrimp. A group of U.K. anglers who were visiting the Erriff for the 1st time also had great sport that day with Sam Carlisle releasing 2 grilse from Nee’s run and the High bank of 2lbs. and 4lbs. on a fly called ” in flames”, Tom Allen released a 2lbs. grilse from the falls pool on a turbo phantom and Euan Ivory released 2 grilse of 4lbs. and 5lbs. from Altamot’s dam and Colonel’s run on Beat 6.( They went on to catch a total of 14 grilse between 4 of them for their 3 day stay). Aidan Crean fished again on the 19th and released 2 grilse of 3lbs. and 6lbs. from the cottage pool on Beat 4 on a Tummel shrimp and black shrimp. Arthur Muckian released a nice 5lbs. grilse from King’s pool on beat 4 on a Stoat’s tail. Gerry Merrick returned to fish with us and released a 3.5lbs grilse from the Coronation pool on Beat 8 using a Willie gunn. On Tuesday 22nd regular visitor Anthony Holden released a 3lbs grilse from the Tawnyard potholes on Beat 3 using a red shrimp fly as the water cleared and was dropping.
At the moment the river is at 1.05m and is clear, we have rain forecast for the next couple of days which will help to keep the river topped up and the good fishing to continue.
Make a booking
If you wish to book fishing please call the fishery office on (095) 42382 or email us at [email protected]