Good signs of grilse were reported for the past few days on Carrowmore Lake with a total of 12 grilse caught (5 released) averaging 5 lbs. A group from Kildare had 7 fish for their visit. The lucky anglers were Brian Aplin, Dave Holland, Peter Maher and Padraig McLoughlin. For Brian and Padraig the visit to Carrowmore was a memorable one as both caught their first ever salmon!  Lots of god seatrout were also reported, the best, a cracking 3.5 lbs. fish, being caught by Nick Hartford from Yorkshire. Most successful flies included various Muddler patterns, Green Peter and small shrimp flies.

Please note that Carrowmore Lake is a Brown Tag Fishery this year! For fishing on Carrowmore Lake contact Seamus Henry on +353 (0)97 83487 or visit