Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane where the warm weather of the weekend revitalised the fishing…

6/4/17 Lough Currane was on the bright side, even though there was nice water coming down the Mouth of the Commeragh, sadly my Noble fly anglers couldn’t entice a wild Atlantic Salmon to the fly.


So on that disappointing note we will head for the trolling department where I can say there was some action and all headlines go to local Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley fishing on his own, caught a cracker of a 10 lbs. Salmon while manipulating his lures and as I always say a picture always tells a story. Maximum air temperature yesterday 11.1c. Amount of rainfall 0.0.

7/4/17 My Noble anglers didn’t  let their fingers do the talking at the end of the day, so I had to Google their performances and low and behold I got the answer within 2 seconds and the answer was they failed miserably in their duties in all departments and with a nice breeze from the South, plus there were six boats manipulating, one would have thought they would have procured a Wild Atlantic Salmon, admittedly they had one excuse and that was there was bright sunshine all day.

Nice day on Lough Currane
Nice day on Lough Currane – but not the best for salmon angling

8/4/17 Here is today’s Lough Currane menu, for starters there were 5 boats manipulating between the fly fishing and trolling, I can say without any fear of contradiction My Noble Anglers failed miserably in their duties in all departments. Now for the weather menu, Bright sunshine all day with a light wind from the south and as you can see by the picture it shows that the anglers had a legitimate excuse for failing to catch a wild Atlantic Salmon.

9/4/17 All Lough Currane Anglers failed miserably in their duties in all departments, I’m coming to the conclusion their a bunch of amateurs especially in the fly department!! Its about time they pulled their act together and the same goes for the anglers who’s trolling. Wind W then veered NW with reasonable cloud cover at times with April showers this evening. Maximum air temperature yesterday was 16.1c.

10/4/17  There were 4 boats out manipulating the Waters of Lough Currane today and sadly again my Noble Anglers failed miserably in their duties in all departments be it the fly or the troll, so on that note we will head for the criticism department and fair play to the angler who sent a text to me complaining about my attack on the Anglers failure in catching a Wild Atlantic Salmon and his texts is as fallows, Vincent it amazes me the way you abuse we poor anglers when nothing is caught, because to be honest if we anglers fished the same way you write there would never anything to report and as you would say and I quote, the truth of the pudding is in the eating of. Just for the record there was no name on the text and normally I would ignore that type of Text but I like the anglers sense of humour, plus he will be surprised that its up on the Blog. Wind North light with reasonable cloud cover at times. Yesterday’s weather amount of rainfall 0.1mm. Maximum air temperature 13.7c.


11/4/17 All the News comes from the Bungalow on the North Shore and for good reason, Alfred from Germany and fishing in a hired out boat from caught a fine 8 lbs. Salmon on the troll and for the rest of the angling community they failed miserably in their duties in all departments. Wind NW light with good cloud cover. Yesterday’s weather air temperature 11.7c

12/4/17 There were at least 4 four boats manipulating this day on Lough Currane and with all their skill and knowledge they still couldn’t procure a Wild Atlantic Salmon, in other words they failed miserably in their duties in all departments. So on that note we head for the complaining department and yes you have it, yesterday I revived a text on why I keep taking shots at the Waterville anglers and here is the text in full, Just for the record Vincent there are probably many fish caught on the lake that are not reported to you so you should not blagard the anglers. There was a fine 10 lb salmon caught on Sunday 9th, fresh but with net marks on him. Maybe it’s not the angler’s fault, it’s the lack of fish. !!!! Now for my defense, Well thanks for starters and just for the record I do know that there’s a lot of Salmon not reported and that is a fact and of which you have proved by the text you sent me and forgive the pun, Anglers who don’t report their catches are letting the local community down in a big way because for every Salmon or big Sea Trout which is not reported is a big financial Loss to the community, One Salmon or a specimen Sea Trout is potentially worth 250 Euros and how do I come up with that calculation, well one Salmon or Sea Trout might entice 1 angler to come down and fish the Waterville Fishery and last but not least I don’t have a Crystal Ball because if you the anglers don’t report that is not my problem because I can only report what is reported to me, need I say more! Wind NE light and overcast. Yesterdays maximum air temperature 10.8c.

That is your ration from the last week on Lough Currane, from your Gillie and the Waterville Fishery, no spin no fly’s just facts.
Vincent Appleby

Make a Booking

Vincent Appleby Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see