Glen Wightman tells us that after about 6 weeks of no fishing due to poor conditions and spending time with the family over the holidays he was itching to go bass fishing. Although he doesn’t usually start catching bass on the lure until February he decided to give it a lash at the weekend. The weather was decent with a slight southerly wind which was at his back, helping the lure get to clearer water as it was quite murky along the shore at this north Kerry mark. The waves were small when he started his session about 2 hrs before high tide which is typically the best time for this mark. Luck was on Glen’s side and he was quickly rewarded with 3 fine bass in his first dozen casts before things went quiet. A great day out. All bass tagged and released after a quick photo.
National Bass Tagging Programme
If you catch a bass with a yellow tag, please don’t remove the tag. Note the code on the tag (e.g. B-00001). If possible take a length and weight of the fish, and five scales from behind the pectoral fin (see link below for more details). Please then release the fish alive! Send us the details, along with the date and location and your name and phone number to [email protected].