LOUGH MELVIN – trout angling report Monday 13th  to Sunday 19th March 2017.

Conditions were fair for angling over the first half of the week but Friday and Saturday brought horrible conditions. Sunday, despite a poor forecast was a lovely day!

There was a limited trout effort but 1 boat reported 11 trout caught on wet flies with 4 of these of a decent size with the best being a 1½lb Gillaroo. The trout angling will to start to pick up well from now on but rods will still need to target the shallower inshore drifts. The Sonaghan will not move out to the deeps until the Daphnia and other plankton start to bloom which is at least a month away yet.

Go fishing…

  • For info/boat hire/bookings etc on Lough Melvin seehttp://www.drowessalmonfishery.com/ or Tel: 071 9841055.
  • For info/Guides/boat hire on Lough Melvin contact Sean Maguire’s Tackle Shop, Main Street, Garrison. Tel: 0044 7871443304
  • For bookings/guides etc on the Rossinver Fishery contact Bill McNeary, Tel: 071 9854930 or Jim Hoye, Tel: 0831197428
    For info see http://www.rossinverfishery.com/