Mick Flanagan reports on the Lough Lene Paddy Dolan Memorial Cup for pike…

Recently Lough Lene Anglers hosted the Paddy Dolan Memorial Cup for pike. It was a lovely day on Lene, and some nice pike were caught. Pierce Corroon Grandson of the late Paddy Dolan had the best pike weighing in at 3.62kg. Niall Oakes another grandson of the late Paddy Dolan finished 2nd with 3.34kg, and Walshestown angler Jason Darby was 3rd.

Pic7. Pierce Corroon won Paddy Dolan Cup.
Pierce Corroon won Paddy Dolan Cup.

Tom Fagan Chairman of Lough Lene Angling Association thanked all who fished and supported the competition, and Pat Browne who done a great job as competition captain. Pat who is a retired soldier was stationed at Fagan Point during the competition hours and fish were weighed and released as they were caught.

Pic5. Meath River Rescue team in action
Meath River Rescue team in action
Engine recovered
Engine recovered

On Lene during the Paddy Dolan Memorial Cup members of Meath River Rescue / Search & Recovery Unit were call into action. An Outboard Motor was lost in 15-20ft of water, and with-in 30 minutes the Search & Recovery team were out, and successful recovered the engine. Great stuff, and very reassuring that these highly trained people are just a call away if we have bother on the waterways.

Michael Flanagan
Midland Angling

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Midlands Angling  provide a top class Guiding service covering many of the top coarse and game waters across the Midlands. Visiting fly anglers have landed some fine trout while out with Midland Angling Guides, pike anglers also recorded some net bursting catches including many pike over 20lbs. Top waters include Lough Ree, Ennell, Owel, Lene, Mount Dalton, and Glore Lake just to mention a few.
Michael Flanagan
Midland Angling
Pike and Trout angling guide.

Telephone: +353 (0)44 9348969 or +353 (0)87 2797270
Fax: +353 (0)44 9342781
Email: [email protected] Web: www.midlandangling.com