Representation on Fishery District Committees
Inland Fisheries Ireland is inviting expressions of interest from suitably qualified individuals to become or continue to be members of Fishery District Committees in the following Fishery Districts where commercial fisheries exist :
Lismore; Cork; Kerry (SWRBD); Ballinakill; Bangor (WRBD); Ballyshannon and Letterkenny (NWRBD).
The individuals should be representative of one of the following groups / sectors:
Commercial salmon fishermen (draft net or snap net where appropriate)
Rated Occupiers of fisheries
Salmon Rod representatives
Any suitably qualifying individual wishing to be considered for representation on these committees should write to Inland Fisheries Ireland at the address below stating the Fishery District in which they wish to be considered for inclusion on the committee and the category to which they belong (1 – 3 above).
The primary purpose of the Fishery District Committees is to recommend the allocation of the available salmon surplus as identified by the Technical Expert Group on Salmon between the commercial and recreational sectors for those fisheries which have a surplus.
Typically there will be one meeting per year (April).
Expenses will not be paid.
Applicants will be assessed and may or may not be selected to serve on the committee. It is anticipated that this call for expressions of interest will be for the 5-year period 2019 – 2023.
Written applications (there is no official form) should be sent to the following:
Inland Fisheries Ireland, Fishery District Committees, Sunnyside House, Macroom, Co. Cork, P12 X602 or by email to: [email protected].
Closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 12th April 2019.
For more information on qualifying criteria or relevant ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ please see the ‘About Us’ section of the Inland Fisheries Ireland website :