Erriff Angling Report 28th June – 3rd July
We have had 10 grilse landed for this period. On Friday 28th visiting angler Martin Nolde had a 3.72lbs grilse from the Falls Pool on a Collie Dog. That evening regular visitor Ian Ferris returned and had 2 grilse of 3.5lbs and 4lbs from the Falls Pool using a Cascade, Ian then returned the evening after and hooked and lost 4 salmon much to everyone’s disappointment.
Another visiting angler Benny Weltz fished during the day on Saturday 29th and had 2 small grilse of 2.5lbs each on a mini-tube fly. The next fish came on Monday July 1st, this time it was first time visitor to the fishery Alex Wilson who landed a 4lbs grilse from the Falls Pool using a Clayton’s Cascade while his dad Andrew lost another. Gerry Merrick fished on July 2nd and released a wild grilse of 3lbs from the Falls Pool on a Stoat’s Tail.
Wednesday 3rd saw the return of Jim Stafford who landed a 2.5lbs grilse from the Upper Garden Pool; Jim was using a fly of his own creation yet to be named. John Phelan was also into action in the Upper Garden Pool with a 4lbs wild grilse which he returned after a short struggle.
We are into the grilse season now and when the rain does decide to make a much needed appearance the fishing prospects look very good.
Go Fishing
The Erriff is a spate river draining beautiful mountain scenery and entering the sea at Killary Harbour, near Leenane. The river is split into 9 beats, and is flyfishing only for the most part. The river provides quality fishing for salmon and sea trout in spectacular surroundings. There is also lake fishing available on Tawnyard Lough, on one of the tributaries, providing sea trout fishing from July to September.
If you wish to book fishing please call the fishery office on (095) 42382 or email us at [email protected]