Keep 'em wet - a plump Corrib trout poses for a quick photo before release. Photo courtesy Larry McCarthy. #cprsavesfish
Keep ’em wet – a plump Corrib trout poses for a quick photo before release. Photo courtesy Larry McCarthy. #cprsavesfish


Declan Gibbons reports on an improvement on Corrib over the last few days.

Larry McCarthy of Corrib View Lodge says angling was much improved over the last week with late mayfly hatching producing good sport. Early morning Caenis fishing has been busy with some good catches. UK angler Ben Watson fished for 4 days with Larry, 2 of which were Caenis outings and returned over 30 trout for his trip. Gareth Jones of Airflo Tackle Company fished one morning and returned 15 trout up to 4.5lbs. Paul Mott, boating from the Lodge with one UK angler Richard had 5 good trout between 2.5 & 5lbs in the Kilbeg area on Wednesday last, all on Mayfly patterns.

UK visitor Ben Watson with a bar of Corrib gold.
UK visitor Ben Watson with a bar of Corrib gold.


A party of four friends – Harry, John , Robert & Turlough fished on Friday & Saturday in the Inchagoill area and caught & released lots of trout in the 1lbs to 2.5lbs bracket. Hopefully with some warm and settled weather the Caenis fishing will really get going, with water temperature averaging 14 degrees which is a little cold for the start of June so warmer temperatures will be welcome at Corrib View Lodge.


Another Corrib beauty for Ben Watson
Another Corrib beauty for Ben Watson


In the Oughterard area Basil Shields of Ardnasillagh Lodge (091-552550) reports good angling with the best sport being had on dry mayfly patterns; Stuart Killeen & Peter McCann from Dublin had 13 fish for 1 day – best fish were 4lbs 8oz & 2lbs 8oz with the remainder being around the 14inch mark, all landed on dry mayflies. George Hill form Northern Ireland had 5 fish for 1 day, all on buzzer with the best being 4lbs 1oz. Michael McMenamin from Belfast had 5 fish for 2 days on mayfly, best being 1lbs 12oz. Colin Bell from Northern Ireland had 4 fish for his day on Corrib with his best fish being 5lbs 9oz, all on dry mayflies.

Staying in the Oughterard area Kevin Molloy of Baurisheen Bay Boat Hire Guiding & Self Catering (087-9604170) reports reasonably good fishing in the area and guests satisfied with their fishing. On Tuesday last Kevin guided 2 visiting UK anglers and landed 3 fish trolling with the best fish being 3lbs. Swiss anglers on the same day had 2 fish also trolling with best being 2lbs 4oz. Dougie and friends from Tara Mines had 8 trout for 4 days dapping with the best being 4lbs. Neil Davitt from Dublin & Phillip Black from Galway had an excellent day on wets landing 8 fish with the best being 2lbs 8oz. Fergus & Michael Doherty from Kerry had 6 fish for 2 days with the best fish being 2lbs 8oz.


In the Cornamona area Tom Doc Sullivan hosted angler Neil Carmichael and he boated 16 keepable trout for his stay and boated as many more undersize fish – Michael’s best fish for his stay was 4lbs on wet mayfly patterns. Also in the Cornamona area Richard Molloy of Ballard Shore Boat Hire & Self Catering (087-2879339) reports on Paul Geraghty from Ashbourne, Co. Meath dapping on Saturday last and landed 3 good fish averaging 2lbs.