Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) launches the updated guideline document: ‘Planning for Watercourses in the Urban Environment’. It outlines an integrated watercourse protection strategy that has been developed by Inland Fisheries Ireland through consultation with a wide range of experts in the area. Watercourses including rivers, lakes and streams are an integral part of our environment and if managed appropriately can significantly improve the quality of life for people living in urban areas.
The strategy adopts a simple ‘4 step’ approach to watercourse protection planning. The implementation of this strategy should not only protect watercourses and their associated riparian zones in urban areas, but also shall provide other benefits important for the wellbeing of people living nearby.

Francis O’Donnell, CEO of Inland Fisheries Ireland said: “Nature-based catchment management and a holistic approach to addressing our biodiversity and climate challenges are crucial for sustainable development. These updated guidelines approach the issue of planning for watercourses in urban environments from a multi-stakeholder perspective and seek to maximise the significant co-benefits that will arise from adoption of a comprehensive, all-inclusive strategy.
These benefits range from better water quality and more resilient and natural ecosystems to the well-established positive effects of nature and green areas for community well-being, recreation, health and recovery from serious illness and even reduced levels of anti-social behaviour. We hope these guidelines will be a useful resource for all of Irish society.”

To read the full ‘Planning for Watercourses in the Urban Environment’ guideline document please visit: