Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane

26/2/20 There were four Currane boats out and sadly Matthew, Mark, Luke and John tried their best to break the ice in the fly and troll departments but sadly their prayers weren’t answered. Wind West light with good cloud cover with the odd shower. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 5.8 mm. Maximum air temperature 7.7.c.

27/2/20 Great news at last and I’m sure you all know the Currane ice is broken, so straight to the Wild Atlantic trolling department and the hired out boat department of  Wexford and Lough Currane Angler Mr. Michael McCormack, caught a cracker of a 14 lbs, Salmon on the troll, so congratulations to Michael for catching the first Lough Currane Salmon of 2020 and may it be the first of many. Staying in the trolling department and renowned Cahersiveen and Currane Angler Mr. Stephen Donnelly, caught a fine 8 lbs. Salmon with his good friend Mike. Wind WSW light to calm with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 2.6mm. Maximum air temperature 7.7c.

28/2/20 Lough Currane was on the wild side with a strong SW wind blowing, going by the Currane detective agency, one boat did venture out, but no news is good news, so on that note we head back to yesterday’s notes to the apology department and for good reason, I failed miserably in my duties to report that Wexford Angler Mr. Michael McCormack was fishing out of and Robert of The Crescent can have the last say and I quote, Good to see our returning guest, who stays with us at the Crescent B+B for catching the first Salmon on the Lough Currane in 2020, again well done Michael.  Wind SW west Strong and overcast. Yesterday’s weather amount of rainfall 1.4 mm. Maximum air temperature 8.6 c.

Storm Jorge
Storm Jorge

29/2/20 Storm Jorge closes the Currane Anglers Salmon and Sea Trout stations. Wind W Storm Force Jorge and overcast with wintery showers throughout the day. Yesterday’s weather amount of rainfall 18.8mm. Maximum air temperature 12.7c.

1/3/20.  AS storm Jorge waved goodbye, the Currane anglers headed out onto a battered Lough Currane and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know their chances of catching a Wild Atlantic Salmon after storm Jorge were slim and that was the case today. Wind fresh WNW followed by wintery showers throughout the day. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 4.8mm. Maximum air temperature 7.7c. Wind strength 49 KMH gusts up to 109 KMH

2/3/20. Four boats out manipulating on the Currane waters, sadly their reels and mobiles were all quiet on all fronts. Wind NW and gusty throughout the day and followed by wintery showers. Yesterday’s weather, facts not available.

3/3/20 There were a few boats out manipulating this day, for all their efforts all the Currane anglers precured were a few Kelts. Wind NW light to fresh. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 4.8mm, Maximum air temperature 7.5 c.

Vincent Appleby

Go fishing…

Vincent Appleby

Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see