Salmon fishing effort has slowed down due to the extremely hot weather of late. Some anglers are getting out early in the day before the temperatures are at peak figures, but conditions are challenging, and catches are also varied as the system is at drought low levels especially above Fermoy. Large amounts of fish are in the system, but more rain is badly required at this stage to get them moving and freshen things up.

A lot of Salmon fishermen have diversified presently going over to some night-time trout fishing targeting both Brown and in some cases Sea Trout in the main Blackwater and recognised tributaries with good results reported to staff in the field. The forecast is for some more unsettled weather than we currently enjoy moving in across the region during the coming week with some spells of heavy showers and even thundery downpours predicted possibly causing localised spot flooding. The catchment needs water, but we can only wait and see to what extent we get some.