Home Salmon fishing reports Hot temperatures and low water levels impact on angling on the Moy

Hot temperatures and low water levels impact on angling on the Moy

Michael O’ Driscoll releasing a 2.5 lbs. grilse caught on a Willie Gunn tube on the Ridge Pool

Kevin O’Boyle reports from the River Moy…

River Moy Angling Report week ending 18/07/2021

A very calm warm week with temperatures ranging from 16° Celsius to 25° Celsius making conditions not very suitable for angling. Towards the weekend Ireland headed into a heat wave with high temperatures in the west. A note to anglers to wear protective clothing and sunscreen while outdoors as the UV index will remain high for coming week. Water levels dropped considerably during the week with levels at Ballylahan Bridge on Monday morning reading 1.13 m reducing to 0.28 m on Sunday night.

Three hundred and sixty-three salmon were reported caught for the week. A modest number given the weather with approximately 90% caught at the start of the week with a good percentage released. Very low water across the catchment was reflected in salmon returns.

The Moy Fishery reported 12 salmon for the week, all of which were caught on the Ridge Pool apart from one which was caught on the Freshwater Beat.  Five of the 12 salmon caught were released.

Ballina Salmon Anglers reported 60 grilse, mostly at the start of the week.

Reports from Mount Falcon reveal that 40 salmon were caught.

Knockmore Salmon Anglers had 7 salmon.

Attymass waters produced 3 salmon for the week.

Nick Cousins, Manager of Coolcronan Fishery reported 23 grilse for the week.

Roy Buckley from Byrne’s Fishery had 6 salmon.

George Armstrong reported 8 grilse from Armstrong’s Fishery.

Gannon’s Fishery produced 9 grilse for the week.

Foxford Fishery reports 42 for the week and 11 were returned.

Foxford Salmon Anglers reported 39 grilse for the week.

Reports suggest that at least 11 grilse were caught on the Foxford town beat.

Eighteen salmon were reported from Cloongee Fishery with 4 released.

East Mayo Anglers waters produced 74 salmon of which 29 were released.

At least 11 salmon were caught trolling on Lough Conn for the week, mostly on copper and silver spoons and brown & black Devons.