Marcin Kantor was all about salmon last week, but this week he is back to another of his new found passions; Pike on the fly. Join Marcin as he fishes a Midlands venue in November last year…
Marcin’s notes: Fly fishing for pike is my latest fascination, and I am enjoying myself with my Float Tube while pike fishing. Fishing from a Savage Gear High Rider 170 Float Tube, I take my pike lure tackle and fly fishing gear and set off for another trip with the belly boat at the end of November. The goal was to find some big pike on the fly. The day has started amazingly well with a fish over 1 meter hitting my fly. Plenty more pike action during the day coming to both, the fly fishing method and lures, namely the Miuras Mouse. The colour of the Miuras Mouse that did the trick was once again the Spotted Bullhead. It was a super cool session as pike fishing in Ireland can be really good.