Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane…

25/5/21 Today’s Salmon and Sea Trout report, well just 3 boats out and all slacklines in all departments. Wind NNW and variable and overcast.

26/5/21 No movement on the Salmon but great to report that there were a few nice Trout caught on the drift. Just for the record 6 boats out on the day shift and two boats out on the evening shift. Wind ESE light and variable with reasonable cloud cover.

27/5/21 Just two boats out on Currane today and for good reason, there was some nice water coming down the River Inny and just for the record one C&R Salmon reported. It’s great to see this fine action on the Inny. It’s looking good and promising for all you river anglers, so keep an eye on the forecast for your floods. Wind SE veered SW and veered NW in the afternoon.

28/5/21 The Currane anglers were all quiet on all fronts this day but the same could not be said for the side of the Inny. “Got a lovely fish on the north bank today, Vincent, on a yellow flying c. Great few days on the Inny, thanks for your advice Vincent,” Liam told me. Yes, it was released.

Now we go back to 1970 again and I am flabbergasted because I received an email from Mr.  Murray T. Beatts of Tampa Florida, USA and Cahersiveen, Co Kerry (and fishes out of  because he mentioned one particular Salmon, I will let Murray finish his story and his quote of the day, what a small World.

Vincent: I hope you are well!  You posted earlier this month that Mike Moriarty got a salmon in March of that year in Derriana.  I checked my old game book, and I was fishing with Mike that day!  The fish was 10.5 Lbs, and slightly red, which indicates that there are salmon in the upper lakes much earlier in the year than was previously thought.  The getting of that fish is quite a story, as when we arrived at the lake the was no boat down yet, since it was only March!  The boat was in a shed up at the house which is at least a 1/4 mile from the shore. Between my mother who was in her 50s, myself at 16, and Mike who must have been close to 70, we dragged one of the old wooden, clinker-built lake boats about a quarter of a mile from the house to the lake and got fishing!  We got the fish after about the first half hour, on a spoon that had been given to me by the widow of Dan Riordan, who had passed away long before I first got to Waterville, but by all accounts, had been a great angler himself.  

We later showed the fish to his widow, Kitty, with many thanks and blessings on his name.  

This story demonstrates what a strange world we enter when we fish, and how great determination in this pursuit may be rewarded in the end!

29/5/21 All quiet on all fronts on this bright and sunny day in all departments. Wind SSW light.

30/5/21 There were 4 boats out on Currane this morning and not a word on their manipulations so we take it for granted their lines were slack, so on that note we will go the wind, South light and Sunny all day.

31/5/21 Five boats out and all quiet on all fronts this day, what a great end to the month of May. Wind SSE light and overcast all day.

1/6/21 Well on this first day of June there were 5 boats out manipulating the Currane waters. Just for the record there were some hired outs boats manipulating their skills which is great to see, they were out from [email protected] and on the Southside of Lough Currane there were hired out boats from and by all accounts their reels were as silent as the lambs. Wind NNW light and cold and overcast all day.

Vincent Appleby

Go fishing…

Vincent Appleby

Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see