Killybegs Mariners SAC report great sport on light gear from the local beaches and piers.
Please read their report below…
Big shoals of small scad in the harbours and inlets of Donegal Bay making good sport on the light gear as the shoals hugged the bottom finding safety in numbers and feeding on fry that also attracted some decent colfish to mid 30s cm and bigger pollack that would arch the rods over.
Bottom fishing on the big hooks with mackerel heads and fillets attracted some conger and a three bearded rockling which would have been around specimen fish size at 41cm if weighed.

Great sport keeping things busy as the darker evenings close in after the time change and the small piers making relaxing fishing under the lights. However, don’t put away the summer gear just yet! A huge garfish (new club record) was caught by John Burke on the local shore while fishing with the float to target the gars.

All images courtesy of Killybegs Mariners SAC.
Mariners sea angling club Killybegs Co Donegal. The club runs a shore league and boat competitions and angling trips around Ireland doing the sport we love. Get in touch at