Home Sea angling reports Group of friends enjoys great fishing in Killala Bay

Group of friends enjoys great fishing in Killala Bay


Donal Kennedy reports…

Recently, a group of friends met at Killala Harbour to head out fishing in Killala Bay. The day was fresh with winds from the South East. The small group of anglers had come to celebrate their friend, Noel Griffith who passed away some time ago and was a very keep angler. So since Noels passing his friends celebrate every year on or around the day of his passing. Calling it Noel Griffith memorial day including a “competition” as to who catches the heaviest fish.

The day started slow with a couple of fine pollack being caught along with wrasse, pouting and some lesser spotted dogfish. The skipper moved out to deeper water where cod, pollack, ling and more pouting were caught.

It was not long when the spurdog started to appear and the anglers had some great sport catching and releasing them. Paul caught the heaviest fish of the day and was presented by Rab with a plaque.

Paul presented with the plaque
The group toasting Noels memory

To book a day’s fishing in Killala Bay contact Donal Kennedy on +353 (0)86 8174509 or visit www.dkennedyangling.ie.

D. Kennedy Angling is a family run Angling Charter Business operating out of Enniscrone, Co. Sligo and Killala, Co. Mayo. Trips on the MV Leah offer a fantastic fishing experience, from a full day’s shark fishing to a short mackerel fishing trip. As well as catering for the serious angler we offer a range of other services including family trips, pleasure trips and dolphin watching…