Home Trout fishing reports Tough days for anglers on Conn & Cullin

Tough days for anglers on Conn & Cullin


Kevin O’Boyle reports from Loughs Conn & Cullin…

The lakes are fishing poor at present with water temperatures high and fish seem to be inactive with fly life very spare on the water. Local anglers are saying no fish are moving at all.

Peter Roche from Cloghans fished 2 evenings last week and had 4 small trout just under a pound to a dry Daddy Long Legs along Brackwansha and Cormorant Rocks. All fish were released alive. The second evening produced one trout to the boat in Castlehill Bay. The fish weighed around one lb and was released.

Best of luck and tight lines to local trout angler, Jim Kelly from Cloghans, who is the captain of the Irish team and taking part in the Four Nations Youth International Fly-Fishing Competition on Lough Lene, Collinstown!