The Leinster Pike Anglers were out for their March competition last week and 26 eager anglers took to the banks to battle it out. Fishing a river venue, the anglers were lucky to have some superb fishing with 148 pike caught and released on the day. With figures like that, it’s no surprise to hear that their heaviest bag record was broken by Jodie Kiernan who managed 22 fish for 73lb 11oz.

A selection of the catches

For a full report check out the Leinster PAC Facebook page.

Results were as follows:

1st Jodie Kiernan with 22 fish for (a new club record heaviest bag) 73lb 11oz
2nd Albert Mc Namara 9 fish 51lb 7oz
3rd Ray Collopy 12 fish 43lb 6oz
HF Anto Byrne 14’1
Pools 1 Jodie Kiernan & Will Carney
Pools 2 Albert Mcnamara & Keelan Cunningham