Home Salmon fishing reports Rain brings fresh flush of fish to Waterville

Rain brings fresh flush of fish to Waterville


Vincent Appleby reports on the week’s fishing on the Waterville Fishery:

7/9/2022 A good flood has a lot to answer for and here are some of yesterday’s and today’s answers. First we go back to yesterday, local C&R Inny angler caught and released 5 salmon. Now for today’s facts, we start on the Commeragh with 4 salmon caught, then we head downstream to Lough Currane where there was some good action, one Salmon caught on the fly and one caught on the troll. In the Sea Trout department there were 8 Sea Trout caught on the fly. Now we head downstream to the World-famous Butler Pool and at www.watervillegolflinks.ie  Gillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan of Waterville Boats and at [email protected] and his clients caught 3 Salmon on the fly. Staying with Waterville Boats and at [email protected]  in Michael’s hired-out boat department his client caught a few nice Brown Trout on the drift. Wind SE veered ENE light to fresh at times followed by heavy showers throughout the day.

6/9/2022 We start today’s report on yesterday’s notes and for good reason; as I said yesterday the Currane Anglers were left standing on the shoreline. Well it didn’t take them long to march off to the C&R River Inny where there was some good action with 3 Salmon in the morning, now back to the present, There was some good action on the Waterville Fishery today, we start on Lough Currane in the drifting department, one boat reported that they caught 9 Sea Trout ranging from Juniors up to 2 lb plus a good few Brownies. Now we head for the C&R River Inny, On the morning stint there were 6 Salmon caught, come afternoon there were another 4 Salmon caught and this evening there was one cracker of a Salmon caught and released in the 14lb class. Wind SE fresh and variable with good cloud cover. Yesterday’s amount of rainfall was 31.6 mm.

5/9/2022 The Currane Anglers were left standing on the shore of Lough Currane as a strong SSE blew across the lake with gusts up to 49 mph followed by heavy torrential rain at times, amount of rainfall yesterday was 14.8 mm.

4/9/2022 All quiet in all departments this day, wind SSE fresh and overcast followed by heavy rain this evening. Just for the record, I didn’t have any reports of any rod benders yesterday.

3/9/2022 I have the very sad news to report that Mrs. Mary O’Sullivan RIP, the good wife of Mr. Brod O’Sullivan and Currane angler of Stella Maris, Waterville, sadly passed away. So, on behalf of all the Currane anglers from Ireland to the US to Canada and across the Atlantic to the UK and mainland Europe and from all over the World, we send our Sincere Sympathy’s to her husband Brod, daughters Sadie, Colette, and Mary Denise and all their Family and Friends. On a personal note, well, Mary RIP you may have departed from this World into that Heavenly Bed and Breakfast, and my God, did you do a cracker of a Breakfast and your evening meals were out of this world and the same goes for your picnic baskets and as they say our loss is Heaven’s gain. Mrs. Mary O’Sullivan Rest in Peace.

2/9/2022 Well the picture tells the story as you can see Lough Currane is as silent as the Lambs, even though there was one boat manipulating the Currane waters but as of yet, their fingers aren’t working so I take that as no good? Now to the weather, wind WNW and veered SW light and overcast all day. Kerry is on a yellow rain warning so click and you will see the amount of rainfall up to next Sunday.

1/9/2022 Lough Currane was all quiet in all departments which isn’t surprising the sun was blazing down on the Waterville Fishery. Wind was light and all over the place from the East to the SW and veered into NW at lunchtime.