Vincent Appleby reports from Waterville:
18/5/2022 The Currane anglers headed out on to the rough waters of Lough Currane and come lunch time they called it a day and headed for calmer waters like the high stool. Wind SSE wild, followed by heavy showers.
19/5/2022 All the Salmon headlines go to guess who? Yes, you have it, Northern Ireland Currane angler Mr. Andy Wishart who caught a cracker of a 9 lbs Salmon while trolling with his lonesome Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of for the rest of the Currane Anglers it was all quiet in all departments. Wind SSW fresh to strong with good cloud cover.
20/5/2022 The Currane anglers were all quiet in all departments this day. Wind West light to fresh.
21/5/2022 As we all know if you have been reading the Salmon and Sea Trout news in the last few day’s, Northern Ireland Currane angler Mr. Andy Wishart and his lonesome boatmen Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of caught in total 5 Salmon for their great efforts but they also got themselves a record, if I’m not mistaken because four of their Salmon were Hatchery Salmon, so congratulations to Andy and his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of on their record and of course not forgetting the workers up at the hatchery.
Now to today’s action and facts, for starters there were six boats out manipulating their flies and lures and it’s the Noble art of flyfishing that takes all of today’s Salmon headlines and for good reason, Cork Currane fly angler while flyfishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of caught a fine Salmon on the fly. Wind SW and veered SSW light to fresh with reasonable cloud cover.
22/5/2022 All quiet on the Currane waters in all departments. Wind WSW light to fresh with reasonable cloud cover followed by the odd heavy shower.
23/5/2022 The Currane anglers were all quiet this day on Lough Currane. Wind NW light with reasonable cover at times followed by the odd shower.
24/5/2022 The Currane Anglers were all quiet this day so on that note we head for E.G.A. historical archives of the Waterville Fishery in the year of 1966 and the Rainbow Trout hatchery from the Sunday Independent September 18th, 1966. I will have a big piece on it in tomorrow’s notes. Wind NW light to fresh and variable with good cloud cover and followed by the odd shower.