While it might not have felt like it, the last seven days were milder than average, especially over the eastern half of the country. Mean air temperatures ranged from 11.2°C (Knock Airport) to 13.3°C (Oak Park)  – some 0.5°C to 1.5°C above the respective averages. The gusty winds that have been present for the last fortnight have not helped anglers though. Strong, gusty winds can cause difficulties for all sorts of anglers – from charter boats to fly casters, and from pole fishing coarse anglers to those pleasure fishers of all disciplines who just want to relax and have a few casts on the coast, riverbank, boat or lake shore.

As ever though, there have been people out catching fish whatever the elements and some of the better fishing has been enjoyed by coarse anglers. In Leitrim, the Ballinamore Angling Festival has been taking place this week where Seamie Winters is in pole position after the first four days. In Cork, the O’Callaghan Cup was held on Inniscarra with visiting Dutch regular Peter Koopman taking top honours from a field of 34 angers with 47.8kg. The Ottewill Trophy is taking place on Inniscarra this week so we will bring you results from there on FishingInIreland.info early next week. In Longford, different groups of visiting British anglers have had some excellent fishing out of Melview Lodge, with dawn starts and prebaiting paying dividends for the visitors.

Time and Effort Pays Off for John and Len

Also fishing out of Melview Lodge were pike anglers visiting from the Netherlands and Britain. While they caught no giants this time around, there were lots of pike in the 80cm and 90cm+ bracket and that kept the visitors content for their efforts. Further down the Shannon system on Lough Derg, the Romanian Catch and Release Angling Association organised the Lough Derg Predator Challenge where seventy anglers battled it out in search of pike, perch and trout. Disco Team finished in first position there, a magnificent 113cm pike bringing home the title for them.

Trout anglers on our loughs have had a hard time of it this mayfly season, the fishing has been ranked on a scale from tough to bloody difficult depending on which lake is considered. On Lough Sheelin, the high expectations that preceded the mayfly were tempered by the rough winds that came with the hatch; though having said that, some fine fish were landed by persevering anglers, including fish of 9lbs and more. On loughs Corrib, Conn and Cullin the high winds also hampered the fishing, with the big swells making things fairly difficult for the hardy anglers that ventured out. The fish and fly on Lough Arrow were less fussy about the weather forecast though, with some pretty good fishing for those fishing the spent gnat. 

Golden glory – 5lbs 6oz from Colin Cahill

Salmon numbers are increasing on the Moy, where higher water brought better fishing, Some 104 fish were reported from the catchment this week, 82 of those from the Moy itself. The sea trout fishing in the estuary has been a write off with the rough conditions, but reports are that the numbers of salmon holding offshore are building, and the recent rainfall might push them into the river. Further south in Waterville, a handful of salmon have fallen to troll and fly.

Freddie Duncalf, from Wales with a salmon from East Mayo Anglers waters before release

Charter boats on the west coast have been hampered by the westerly winds this week, but on the east coast Wicklow Boat Charters did manage to sneak some good tope, huss and hound fishing. Most of the sea fishing this week took place from the safety of dry land – including a well attended Mick Kearney Open which took place last Saturday in Wexford. Some eighty five anglers took part but Ian Knight took the title with 19 flounders helping him to top spot. On the windier side of the country, Galway Bay SAC held a competition in Connemara where dogs and the odd ray made up the numbers.

Other News

Funding News: Inland Fisheries Ireland, the state agency with responsibility for the protection and conservation of freshwater fish and habitats, is awarding funding to 34 projects in 14 counties under the ‘Habitats and Conservation Scheme 2022’.

Financial assistance under the Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund (SSTRCPF total of €1,003,390) is generated by the sale of salmon and sea trout angling licences and commercial fishing licences in Ireland. The Midlands Fisheries Fund (MFF total of €50,000) is financed through contributions from permit income, received through the Midlands Fisheries Group permit area.

Lee Brown Tag Draw: To boost conservation efforts, anglers who wish to catch and keep wild salmon from the Lower River Lee in Cork this year, are being reminded by Inland Fisheries Ireland that ‘brown tag’ regulations are in force until the season closes on 30th September 2022.  Thirty eight ‘brown tags’ for the Lower River Lee will be issued on Monday, 13th June 2022 and the deadline to enter online draw is 5pm on Thursday, 10th of June 2022.

And now the weather

Generally dry and sunny for Friday evening. Highs from 14°C in the north to 19°C in the south, with a light breeze. Largely clear overnight, lows 5°C to 8°C in a light northerly breeze.

Saturday will be dry and sunny. Highs of 14°C to 20°C, coolest in the north. Light to moderate northerly winds. Staying dry and clear Saturday night with lows of 5°C to 9°C in a light to moderate northerly breeze.

Staying mostly dry and sunny through Sunday, highs of 14°C to 19°C in moderate northeasterly winds. Becoming cloudier overnight Sunday night with lows of 5°C to 9°C in a light northerly breeze. Cooler and cloudier early next week with highs of 11°C to 15°C in light to moderate northerly breezes.

Safe fishing to all and tight lines, especially here in Ireland. If you’re heading to the coast, don’t forget to check the tides.

Paul O’Reilly
Catch, Photo, Release

If you have an angling story to share with the Irish Angling Update, please send it to [email protected].

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