Jimmy Frazer, Lough Arrow Fish Preservation Association & District Angling Club, reports that it was another busy week on the Lough Arrow where the sport was dominated by the spent gnat fishing.

Trout fishing on Lough Arrow
Gerry Martin Local Angler with a handsome trout. He had fish to 3lb

Guests at Arrow View Farmhouse, Andy Birkett and Brent Vinell averaged three fish  per day for six days. The pair caught trout to up to 2.5lb and all released. Best patterns were Grey Wulff and  and Spent Gnat.

Gerry Martin Local Angler with a handsome trout
Andy Brickett was Mayfly fishing on Lough Arrow

Also in the honours roll were Fergus Auld from Ballymena who had 4 fish to 3lb (All released), Donal Whiteman from Derry had 3 fish to 1.5lb all released, Kevin Gallagher from Donegal had 2 fish to 2lb released and James Nolan from Carlow had 2 fish to 2lb released.

Fergus Auld from Ballymena who had 4 fish to 3lb
Fergus Auld from Ballymena who had 4 fish to 3lb

Go Fishing…

Trout fly fishing on Lough Arrow