Kit Dunne from Wicklow Boat Charters has been putting in the hours during this settled spell with a few different crews tackling up for tope and mixed species. First up were a party from Techcom who got some nice tope, dogfish, wrasse, pollock, scad and plenty of mackerel.
In the next group Leroy McIlroy got himself a specimen. The big push from the spring tides made things tough, but the group got three runs – one dropped the bait, one got ‘got’ by a nuisance seal and the third one – a quality fish – stuck.

Wicklow Bay SAC had another youth session last Friday with mackerel, Ballan wrasse, Corking wrasse and a teeny bream to test the drag for skipper Kit. Kit reports that there was great interest from the kids and some budding anglers in the club are coming along very well.
Kit has his target set as we move into Autumn. He’ll be trying to break his boat record of 173cm X 76 girth – estimated @ 70lb. We’ll keep you posted…