Michael Murphy reports from the River Moy…
River Moy Angling Report
Monday 1st July to Sunday 14th July 2024
Water levels remained low for this two-week period with levels at Ballylahan reading 0.25 m on Monday 1st July incrementally dropping to 0.19 m by Sunday afternoon 14th July 0.47. One gentle rise occurred late Saturday night 6th July where levels reached 0.47 m briefly. Over the past fortnight rainfall amounts were generally below or near average across most of the catchment and current indications suggest it will continue in the same vein for the coming week.
Moy Fishery
A total catch of 116 salmon was caught over this two-week period of which 58 were released, accounting for 50% of fish returned to the water. The Ridge Pool accounted for 86 while the Cathedral beat produced 21 salmon. The Weir Pool produced 9 salmon for the fortnight. Weights varied from 2.5 lbs to the heaviest fish weighing 8 lbs. The majority of fish weighed in the 3 lbs to 6 lbs mark.
Ballina Salmon Anglers
A total of 40 salmon were reported caught this fortnight with 32 caught on the worm, 4 on the fly and 4 spinning. The majority were grilse from 2.5 lbs and 5 lbs.
Mount Falcon Estate
A total of 36 salmon reported caught with 17 being taken and 19 released with weights ranging from 4 lbs to 5 lbs and the best for the week weighing in at 8 lbs.
Knockmore Salmon Anglers
Kenneth reported 10 salmon caught on the prawn showing weights from 4 lbs-5 lbs.
Attymass Angling Club
Kevin reported 3 salmon caught showing weights from 4-5 lbs and all being taken on the prawn.
Coolcronan Fishery
Nick reported 10 salmon caught showing weights up to 6.5 lbs.
Byrnes Fishery
Roy reported of 15 salmon caught for the fortnight with weights ranging from 3 lbs up to 7 lbs. Most fish were taken on the prawn and worm.
Armstrong Fishery
George reported of 15 salmon for the fortnight with weights up to 8 lbs all taken on the shrimp.
Gannon’s Fishery
Pat reported of 33 salmon caught mostly on the prawn with weights up to 8 lbs with 5 of them returned to the water.
The Foxford Fishery
Granville reported 117 salmon caught for the fortnight using all methods with the best on the prawn and 29 of them returned to the water. Best weights for the week were 8 lbs.
Reports were received of 10 salmon caught in the Foxford town area. The bubble and fly and the worm appeared to be most successful method with most fish ranging between 3 lbs and 5 lbs with the best weighing 9 lbs.
Foxford Salmon Anglers 218 salmon were reported caught in Foxford Salmon Anglers waters for the fortnight. All methods were attempted, with the heaviest fish weighed 9 lbs and a number of these being released back to the water with the bubble and fly proving most successful.
Cloongee Fishery
A total of 33 salmon were reported caught with 24 of these reported as being released. Weights ranged from 2.5 lbs to 7 lbs, and most were caught on the fly and spinning.
East Mayo Anglers Association
A total of 74 salmon were reported caught of which 37 were released. Successful methods included the fly, spinning and worming with weights from 3 lbs to 9.5 lbs. The heaviest fish weighing 9.5 lbs. Their best day of the week being Thursday 4th July. East Mayo Anglers Association would like to announce their Youth Angling Event will take place on Wednesday 24th July at the Disabled Anglers Facility, Criillaun Straide. Enquiries can be made by phoning 086 3946837 and the poster below outlines the activities.