Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane…

17/7/2024. I didn’t hear of any catches, be it C&R, fly or troll, so on that note I will head straight to the Currane anglers weather. Wind strong followed by good cloud cover. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 0.0mm, amount of sunshine 7hrs.8mins, maximum air temperature 17.8°C.

18/7/24. I didn’t hear of any reports of any Salmon caught or released or any C&R Sea Trout. Wind North light, followed by some cloud cover, amount of rainfall 6.8mm, amount of sunshine 7hrs.2mins, maximum air temperature 18.2°C.

19/7/2024. So far, I didn’t hear of any catches or releases. Wind South light followed by good cloud cover, followed by rain.

20/7/2024. Just for the record all my lines were all quiet but as I say that the Currane anglers could have seen some good action? but time will tell. Wind fresh, North veered NNW and bright sunshine for most of the day.

21/7/24. The Waterville fishery did get a bit of rain but not a lot, in total 9.4mm, yesterday admittedly not a lot but saying that a walk up the Inny wouldn’t have done any harm. Wind fresh SW veered SSW, SW.

22/7/2024. No reports from the Currane anglers as of yet, so on that note we head for the Currane anglers weather department. Wind fresh SSW veered SW, W, WNW, followed by misty rain throughout the day. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 4.1mm, amount of sunshine 0hrs.1mins, maximum air temperature 16.6mm.

23/7/2024. No reports as of yet from the Currane anglers this day, you could say the reporting is getting as difficult as netting one’s fish but as the fly fisherman said to his gillie patience is a virtue and everything comes to those who wait. Wind North veered W, NW, W, WSW, followed by good cloud cover. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 1.6mm, amount of sunshine 0hrs.7mins, maximum air temperature 16.5°C.

24/7/2024. There was a small flood coming down the River Inny this morning so we will take it for granted that the Currane anglers had their C&R River Inny hats on? That’s all the news I have this day, now for the Currane anglers weather report, wind fresh South veered SW, WSW, SW, WSW. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 0.6mm, amount of sunshine 0hrs.1mins, maximum air temperature 17.0°C.

Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0) 87 207 4882
E-mail:[email protected]

Sea Trout – Catch and release only

Inland Fisheries Ireland wishes to remind anglers that the Conservation of Sea Trout (No.7 or Kerry District) Waterville Area Bye-Law No. 971 of 2019 remains in effect. This Bye-law prohibits the retention and possession of any sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) taken by any fishing engine or by rod and line in the Waterville area i.e. that part of the sea eastward of a line drawn from the most westerly point of Bolus Head to the most westerly point of Lamb’s Head and to all the waters discharging in to it.

The Bye-Law mainly affects seatrout fishing on :-

  • the river Inny (Knockmoyle) and its tributaries
  • the waters of the Waterville system, including the Waterville River, Lough Currane, the Cummeragh River and all their tributary rivers and lakes
  • the waters of Ballinskelligs Bay


A new online survey has been developed by IFI for the Currane catchment to gather anglers’ knowledge – the survey method called FLEKSI was developed by IFI to help give an insight into the status of the fishery. Currane Anglers are needed for Citizen Science survey to examine fish stocks

For more information on the daily conditions, all the craic and news be sure to check out Vincent Appleby’s Salmon and Sea Trout blog for regular reports with back dates, petitions, public consultation notices, readers letters and videos and more of what’s happening on Currane.

Go fishing….

Guides and boat hire

Fishing with Dom

Address Spunkane Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 2051515 Website:

Fly Fishing on Lough Currane

Address Termons Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353(0) 87 922 8659 Phone: +353(0) 66 9474146 Website:

Lakelands Farm

Address Lake Road Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 4160200 Website:

Neil O’Shea

Address Caherbarna Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 9942792 Phone: +353 66 9474527 Website:

Old Daly’s Supermarket & Filling Station

Address Murreigh Waterville V23 X459 Ireland Mobile Phone: +353669474842 Website:

Salmon & Sea Trout Fishing

Address Eureka Lodge Caherdaniel West Waterville Kerry V23 XD63 Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 2074882 Website:

Waterville Boats

Address Spunkane Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 (0)87 2202355 Phone: +353 (0)66 9474800