The first leg of Cobh SAC‘s ever popular Light Lines Competition was fished on Sunday. IT’s a hugely popular event that saw 38 anglers take to the sea around Cork Harbour on 6 charter boats.
Species of fish caught were Dab, Flounder, Plaice, Whiting, Poor Cod, Pouting, Thornback Ray, Dogfish, Grey Gurnard, Tub Gurnard, Weever, and Red Bream.
Sarah Lynch had a great day onboard Camden Mist and takes an early lead in the league.
The Longest Fish prize went to a Ray of 66 cm caught by Norman Dunlop.
Best roundfish was a Whiting of 45 cm (a big whiting for the harbour) caught by Tom Johnson.
Best flatfish was a 29cm Dab by Mick O Callaghan.
There were no Cod recorded.
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Go fishing…
Cobh SAC is a very active club with a great series of competitions across the year.
The club is very welcoming to new members.
If you are interested in joining the club or fishing any of their competitions contact them via Facebook.
Offshore 105. 380 HP Iveco Skipper: Alan Kennedy Licence: 713 Base: Crosshaven/Cobh Operational Area:
40 Miles out of Cork Harbour, Ballycotton, Kinsale.
Notes: Lagosta II has a complete inventory of electronic and safety equipment. Fishing in the rich offshore waters of south-west Ireland, Alan specialises in wreck, reef and shark angling. Even in the worst of weather, anglers can fish for rays, flatfish and conger in the extensive and sheltered waters of Cobh harbour.
Pro Fisherman 33 Skipper: Pat Condon Licence: 1350 Base: Crosshaven and Cobh Operational area: 30 miles from Crosshaven, Kinsale, Cobh, Monkstown and Ballycotton.
Notes: With more than 30 years Sea angling experience in hand and having won several national & international sea angling competitions, Pat Condon offers his clients the wealth of his angling skills as part of their experience.
Anglers can fish many reefs near the Cork harbour for ling, cod, conger eel, pollack and coalfish. Shark fishing off Cork Harbour is from mid june to september.
Even if the weather is poor you can fish within Cork harbour for species such as bass, blonde ray and thornback ray, plaice and dabs.
35′ Offshore 105. 400 HP Iveco Skipper: Jim Linehan Licence: 147 Base: Cobh Operational area: 30 nautical
miles of Ballycotton – Cork Harbour – Kinsale.
Notes: Deora Dé is a fast modern charter boat,
built to the skipper’s own specifications and exceeding the current
safety standards. Species of fish caught include: Blue Shark, Mackerel, Pollack, Cod, Whiting, Conger Eel, Ling, Wrasse, Gurnard, Garfish, Dogfish, Coalfish and many more!Full rod & tackle hire available with free tuition given. Free tea & coffee onboard.
Skipper: Anthony Lane. Licence No.: 1401 P5 30miles. Base: Crosshaven Operational area: Ballycotton to Kinsale
Notes: Cork Harbour offers a wide variety of fish including ling, cod, pollock, whiting, wrasse, ray, conger eel, bullhuss and many more. The harbour can be fished in most weather conditions offering a wide variety of sheltered locations for both the experienced and novice angler. The boat comes fully equipped with all modern navigational aids. Full safety equipment as per licence. Rod and tackle hire are available on board and all assistance will be given to the novice angler. Full galley and toilet facilities on board