Mark Gannon reports that fishing out of Courtmacsherry has been “slow” at times lately, but we’re not sure we believe him when we see the photos he shared. Looks to us like some amazing skate fishing for guests of Courtmacsherry Angling Centre, with Mark and fellow skipper Sean putting clients over some very big fish.

Sean himself landed a fine skate on a research day, where the research crew fitted the fish with a two-month satellite tag that will prpovide valuable data on the secret lives of these amazing fish.

While the weather this summer has been distinctly average, it’s great to have a fall-back if sea conditions outside are rough. One crew didn’t want to miss out on some fishing, so a quick drop for mackerel saw them get enough fish to livebait for some bass in the estuary, and they enjoyed some great bass fishing in the comfort of calm water.


Go fishing…

Courtmacsherry Sea Angling Centre

Address Woodpoint Guest House Courtmacsherry Cork Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 86 8250905 Mobile Phone: +353 23 8846427 Website: