Address High Street Ballinamore Leitrim Irelandwork
The Drowes Fishery is one of Ireland’s premier spring salmon and grilse fisheries. The river is some 5 miles in length, with over 70 named pools, flowing from Lough Melvin at Lareen Bay and entering the sea at Tullaghan, just outside Bundoran. The Drowes has a wide variety of water suitable for all fishing methods, including several miles of good fly water and deeper slower moving pools suitable for spinning and bait fishing.
Accommodation also available
Boat hire
Boat and outboards are available to hire for Lough Melvin.
Tackle shop
Salmon licences and tackle for sale in the fishery office.
If you know of any fishing tackle shops omitted from this directory please forward the name, contact details and other relevant information to the webmaster using the contact form at this link.