Limerick City is located about 18 kms from Shannon Airport and is in the lower Shannon Region.
There are two main angling venues on the Shannon in the immediate Limerick area i.e. at Annacotty (5 kms) from Limerick, Plassy (in Limerick City). The Plassey stretch is on the Shannon near Limerick university. In addition there is some very good pike angling at Castleconnell.
Plassey is located on the River Shannon and lies adjacent to Limerick University. Because of poor access this section is under fished but can produce very good bream fishing if the effort is put in and the angler is prepared to explore and experiment.
Angling from a boat for any kind of fish is prohibited in that section of the Lower River Shannon from Plassy Bridge adjoining the townlands of Sreelane in the county of Clare and Garraun in the county of Limerick to Thomand Bridge in the city of Limerick during the period commencing 1 March and ending on 30 September in any year.
FACILITIES AND ACCESS: There is difficult access requiring a 300m walk to the river bank. There is no car parking facilities except at the University itself. This is located at the Theatre car park.
TO GET THERE: Follow the N7 to Limerick University and locate the Theatre car park.
Annacotty Pumphouse
This is a stretch of the River Shannon which is located 5 kms from Limerick City on the Dublin N7 road. The fishery extends from the confluence of the Mulcair River, upstream for approximately 1 km . The stretch is locally known as the ‘Pumphouse’ All species of coarse fish are present here and it is possible to fish all year round except in severe flood conditions.
Fishing on this stretch can be tackled with feeder or pole and red maggot seems to come out on top with corn and worm a “good back” up bait. The main species here are skimmers Hybrids and Roach and favoured ground bait is brown crumb with some red additives of choice and a good caster mix.
FACILITIES AND ACCESS: The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board provide a car park,14 timber stands up river of the pump-house. Access is restricted and involves a walk of about 400m to the river and stands.
A car park,14 timber stands up river of the pump-house which can be accessed by a short walk to a timber stile. The river here is approximately 7 to 8 meters deep in the middle with 3 to 4 meters a couple of rod lengths from the stands. The stands you first come to after crossing the stile are the deepest and get progressively shallower as you move up river, some are suitable for disabled anglers.
Down river from the pump-house there are approximately 12 to 18 natural swims which are next to the car park. The same methods and bait apply to this section with the river tending to flow a bit stronger at times heavier feeders may be required during certain times of the day. An information Board is available onsite at the venue.
The main gate to the venue is permanently locked denying access by car.
TO GET THERE: Take the N7 out of Limerick City as far as Annacotty (about 5 kms). In Annacotty follow the signposts under the main road bridge. The Mulcair River at this point will be located on your left hand side. Follow the Mountshannon road for approximately 2 kms where you will arrive at the gate leading to the fishery.
Castleconnell is in a beautiful location about 10 kms north east of Limerick City. It is better known as a Salmon fishery but has two stretches where pike fishing is possible. The first is situated upstream of Beat 1 on Castleconnell Salmon Fishery. There is a public car park here and open bank fishing is possible upstream of the car park.
Woralls End: This section has good access from Castleconnell village to the ‘Woralls End’ at the top of Beat 1. Seek local directions from the village.
Clare Ville Waterworks:
At the lower end of the world famous Salmon beats in Castleconnell there is the excellent coarse fishery. The fast water of the salmon beats gives way to deeper pools and slower flows and home to a good resident population of bream, roach, hybrids and is also an excellent pike fishing stretch. There are approximately 25 natural swims here with good clear bankside allowing easy bank fishing. To access these swims requires a walk via the car park. To get there turn off the Castleconnell to Limerick road about 2 miles outside Castleconnell. Best methods here tend to be feeder with the pole as a back up when the fish move in from the deeper waters. The water here gets progressively deeper along its length with a maximum depth of 7 to 8 meters. Favoured bait is a maggot and worm cocktail for the bream and maggot with sweetcorn for the larger roach. Groundbait is brown as a base with preferred additives of choice such as red or a cloudy mix. Casters and some particle bait are good holding bait for this deep sluggish swim.