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    River Erriff



    Catch and Release for 2025

    • Brown Trout: 15th Feb. – 30th Sept.
    • Sea Trout: 1st June – 30 Sept. All sea trout must be released alive
    • Salmon: 1st April – 30th Sept.

    The Erriff System is comprised of the Erriff River and the two small loughs of Tawnyard and Derrintin. The River Erriff is one of the premier salmon fishing rivers in Ireland. A spate river, it is characterised by lively streams and deep fish-holding pools. It has 8 miles of prime angling water, divided into 9 beats. Beats are un-crowded with only two rods on most and a maximum of 3 sometimes. Angling is rotated on a daily basis.

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    There is a run of spring fish into the river during the months of April and May, grilse or summer salmon appearing in June and the runs continue throughout July, August and the early part of September. Sea trout runs are from early July onwards.

    Fishing the Falls Pool on Beat 9

    Tawnyard Lough is 250 acres in size and once was the best sea trout lake in the district. However, stocks have greatly declined in the past 30 years but, nevertheless, anglers can still take sea trout there and the small brown trout are prolific. The lough is situated high in the hills, in a most scenic area of South Mayo. Grilse and sea trout run into the lough at the beginning of July. Fly-fishing and dapping are the only permitted methods of fishing. Boats and outboard motors are available to anglers.

    Tawnyard Lough

    2018 Season Report

    Tough Season with Record Low Water Levels
    *Catch-Photo-Release #CPRsavesfish*

    Permit Prices

    April 1st. – May 9th:

    €50 per rod per day.
    €250 per week – 6 days.
    €30 per rod per half day.
    €70 per rod per day (Beat 9)

    May 10th. – June 27th:

    €70 per rod per day.
    €350 per week – 6 days.
    €45 per rod per half day.
    (Beat 9 Half day only available)

    June 28th. – August 29th:

    €75 per rod per day.
    €400 per week – 6 days.
    €55 per rod half day.
    (Beat 9 Half day only available)

    August 30th. – September 30th:

    €60 per rod per day. €300 per week – 6 days.
    €40 per rod half day.
    (Beat 9 Half day only available)

    Derrintin Lough (Brown Trout) €30.00 Half day €20.00
    Tawnyard Lough (Salmon & Sea Trout) €50.00 Half Day €30.00

    The Fishery Manager, Aasleagh Lodge, Leenane, Co. Galway.
    Telephone: (095) 42382 Email: [email protected]