Catch and Release for 2025.
- Salmon: 1 February to 30 September
- Sea trout: 1 June to 30 September
- Brown Trout: 1 February to 12 October
The Ballynahinch Fishery is the most extensive fishery in Connemara, stretching from the estuary at Bertraghboy Bay northwards through Inagh Valley and eastwards almost to Maam Cross, with numerous loughs and tributaries all the way through dramatic scenery. The Maam Cross-Clifden road, which runs through the fishery, has been voted in the Top 10 Scenic Drives in the world. The fishery comprises the Owenmore or Ballynahinch River, Ballynahinch Lough, Lough Inagh, the Recess River, and numerous small lakes connected to the main fishery.

There are several fishery owners, most of whom provide permits for visitors, and two fisheries have luxurious accommodation and guided fishing.The main fisheries are the Ballynahinch Fishery, and the Inagh Fishery.
The Ballynahinch Fishery is owned by Ballynahinch Castle, and comprises Lower Ballynahinch Lough and the main river from here to the sea. It fishes well for salmon from March to August, with the main run of grilse in late June-July. Accommodation is available in the castle, with guides and fishing provided. The number of rods is strictly limited, and beats are rotated on a half-daily basis. Flyfishing only.

Lough Inagh Lodge

Lough Inagh is owned and run by Lough Inagh Lodge, a beautiful angler’s hotel and restaurant on the shores of the lake. There are 6 boats provided, with guides available. Fishing is also available on Derryclare Lake, and on the small river connecting the lakes. Again, numbers are strictly limited, and beats are rotated. Flyfishing only.

There is a run of spring salmon from March, continuing through May, and grilse run the river in June and July. The lakes fish well from June on, with the best fishing in August and September.
Sea Trout
Over the last few years sea trout have made a real comeback in this part of Connemara, and catches have reflected the increase in stocks. Sea trout start running the river in June, with a peak in July, and more run on every flood after that until the end of the season. Current legislation requires that all sea trout are released alive.
Brown Trout
Lough Inagh has in recent years become noted for the quality of its brown trout fishing. It has a large head of small wild brown trout, and every year several fish up to 12lbs are caught.
- Salmon: 1 February to 30 September
- Sea trout: 1 June to 30 September
- Brown Trout: 1 February to 12 October
Ballynahinch Castle, Ballynahinch, Connemara, Co. Galway
Tel: +353 (0)95 31006
Fax: +353 (0)95 31085
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.ballynahinch-castle.com
Lough Inagh Lodge, Recess, Connemara, Co. Galway
Tel: +353 (0)95 34706
Fax: +353 (0)95 34708
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.loughinaghlodgehotel.ie