Home Trout fishing on Lough Mask

    Trout fishing on Lough Mask

    A perfect rainbow over Lough Mask
    A perfect rainbow over Lough Mask

    Lough Mask is a large limestone lough of 22,000 acres in area and, along with Lough Corrib, is one of the best known brown trout fisheries in Ireland. The lough produces good catches to wetfly from about mid-April. Dapping the mayfly, daddylonglegs or grasshopper can bring about excellent results during the various months of the season. The lough continues to produce more trout with every season, last season been one of the better ones even though weather conditions were very unsuitable from July onwards.

    Lough Mask from Rosshill Bay

    Lough Mask is famous for its large ferox trout and every season anglers take a number of these great trout, mostly all over 10 lb and nearly always to trolled baits. The record for the lough is 18 lb, but others over 20 lb have been found including one of 22 lb some 10-years ago and is on display in the IFI office at Cushlough, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo.


    Brown Trout: 15th Feb. – 30th Sept.


    For detailed information see this Lough Mask Guide and map


    This Bye-law provides for a daily bag limit of 4 trout of which not more than 1 trout is greater than 10 lbs (4.54 kgs), and prohibits –

    (a) the taking of trout less than 13 inches (33 cm),
    (b) the use of more than 1 rod or 4 artificial flies when fly fishing,
    (c) the use of more than 1 rod when dapping,
    (d) the use of more than 2 rods or 4 artificial flies per rod when trolling,
    (e) the use of more than 2 rods when bait fishing or spinning, and
    (f) the having on board a boat more than 3 rods when more than 1 person is bait fishing, spinning or trolling.

    Fishery Contact Details

    Address: Inland Fisheries Ireland, Weir Lodge, Earl’s Island, Galway.
    Telephone: +353 (0)91 563118
    Fax: +353 (0)91 566335
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Website: www.fishinginireland.info