Welsh angler and photo-journalist Ceri Jones will not forget his visit to Corrib this year. On his annual pilgrimages in search of the elusive big ferox trout,Β  he had never broken the 20 lb. mark until now, with his best fish being a 19 lbs cracker which appeared on the front cover of Trout Fisherman magazine last year. He has now smashed his personal best, landing a trout of 23 lbs 12 oz on Sunday last in baking sunshine. The fish took a large rudd deadbait trolled slowly near Inchagoill Island.

The fish was officially weighed on certified scales, and once ratified, will be the largest officially verified trout from Lough Corrib – although several fish in and around 25 lb. have been caught and released in recent years, they were not weighed on certified scales and cannot count for record purposes. With such massive fish coming off the lake, it is surely only a matter of time before the Irish trout record of 26 lb. 2 oz, set in 1884, is broken on Corrib.

Ceri Jones with his record-breaking Corrib ferox trout, a magnificent fish of 23lbs 12oz, taken while trolling on Lough Corrib, May 2012
Ceri Jones with his record-breaking Corrib ferox trout, a magnificent fish of 23 lbs 12 oz, taken while trolling on Lough Corrib, May 2012