Wicklow clocks in on the spurdogs again this week, after a great result the week before in big tides, Kit Dunne skipper of the LISIN 1 reports on an exceptional trip in slacker tides…

Having recorded 2 specimen fish last week in big tides I was very optimistic coming into slacker tides, we gathered a crew together and went in search again on a new chosen mark. I opted for a deeper channel this time as the tides were easy; I felt we had a great chance in a break in the weather last Tuesday. I had a couple of inquiries, so topped off with my brother, brother in law, friend Myles and myself fishing off we went. Timing was critical so we set off early to get the best of both worlds each side of the slack water.

The first Spur of the day fell to my Brother Paul on his return to boat fishing
The first Spur of the day fell to my Brother Paul on his return to boat fishing

I anchored just at the edge of a deep drop off, while not being right in the middle of the actual channel, I believed this to be the best spot ! The tide was still running South fairly hard but we fished it fine. I watched as everyone else fished away, keeping an eye on the plotter to make sure we held anchor. Anchor was secure so I let some more rope out to be certain – Now it was time for me to fish. Just as I was nearly ready I seen my Brother Paul pull into something promising, please be a Spur I thought. It wasn’t a Spur but a fine BullHuss of around 8lb or 9lb. That was ok, not a Spur, but we were getting some fish.

A bull huss
A bull huss

We fished on as the tide eased slowly then bang, Paul had another hit and again it looked good, he slowly pumped and reeled as I watched with net in hand. Then it appeared, A Spur ! well, happy days, I netted the fish and took pleasure in the fact that we had hit the spot. I knew we were in for a few more Spudogs as the tide eased further and I was looking forward to it more and more.

John O Connor was delighted with his few spurdogs mainly got on Mackerel
John O Connor was delighted with his few spurdogs mainly got on Mackerel

As time passed we appeared to take turns getting a Spur or BullHuss, they showed at a rate of 2 to one, 2 Spur for every one Huss. This was exceptional fishing, we hooked almost 20 Spudogs and 9 BullHuss in total, every Huss but one were above 8lb and the Spur ranged from 4lb to 14lb.

Andrew was very pleased with one of his many Spurs among his BullHuss
Andrew was very pleased with one of his many Spurs among his BullHuss

We were all very happy with the result so far but we hadn’t landed any specimens, Yet ! The tide had turned and was running fairly hard north; we discussed wrapping up in a half hour as the breeze was picking up also. That agreed, we fished on, then as we struggled with tide Myles hooked a good fish, it wasn’t clear just how good the fish was given the tide and heavy lead used but we were optimistic. After a few minutes and some hard work I netted a fine Spurdog for Myles, it was very clear it was a specimen. Into the large cool box the specimen fish went, filled with water and with the deck hose running through it, we gave it twenty more minutes then set off home.

Myles Howell - Specimen Spurdog 14lb 6oz, on LISIN
Myles Howell - Specimen Spurdog 14lb 6oz, on LISIN

Back on the pier Myles fish weighed in at whopping 14lb 6ounces, 110cms long and with a girt of 40cms, she was a fine specimen. I held her over the side until she fully recovered and swam off in good shape. Well done to Myles on his first ever Spurdog today, and also his first ever Specimen Spurdog.

Make a booking

Kit Dunne
Wicklow Boat Charters,
Telephone: +353 (0)87 6832179 +353 (0)404 67031
Email: [email protected] Website: www.wicklowboatchaters.ie