Howard and Nigel from the UK were over once again for their annual fishing holiday to Melview Lodge in Longford, the change in the weather proved to pay off for them when on the second day of their holiday they were into the Bream and Tench. Bream to over 5lb and Tench to 4lb 7oz was a great start to their holiday, they also had a large numbers of Roach but returned them straight back in case of damage with the larger fish in the net. They fished a prebaited swim with feeder at 25 yards using a number of different cocktails, log on next week when we report on their second week and see how they got on.

Howard Jones from Worthing and Nigel Barns from Preston
Howard Jones from Worthing and Nigel Barns from Preston

Fishing has been good in and around the Longford area, the change in the weather and water levels have improved things however some days can be better than others. Their have been some good catches of Bream, Tench, Hybrids, Roach along with some big Perch. Most catches have fallen to feeder tactics using a number of different combinations, early morning or late evening is my advice due to the bright conditions we are having at present.

Kevin Lyons

Melview Lodge, Drumlish Road, Clonrollagh, Longford, Co. Longford.
Tel : +353(0)43-33-45061 Mobile : +353(0)87-268-7441
Email: [email protected]