ANGLING NOTES : THE INAUGURAL Hook Bass Angling Festival in south Wexford went ahead as planned last weekend albeit in conditions not conducive to bass angling. Renowned beaches of Sandeel Bay, Bannow Bay, St Patrick’s Bay and Duncannon were all tested throughout the catch-and-release competition.

Bitterly cold north-easterlies, dropping temperatures to below zero at night-time, kept the prized species at bay at one of the otherwise most productive locations for bass in the country. A sea otter and the presence of seals did not help the cause……

Irish Times, 05/11/2012. Read the article ‘Testing conditions for contestants at Hook Bass Festival in Wexford’

Mark Baker from Meath with a bass of about 1.5kg caught on Sandeel Bay during the Hook Bass Angling Festival
Mark Baker from Meath with a bass of about 1.5kg caught on Sandeel Bay during the Hook Bass Angling Festival