May 6th: I’m afraid our top rods failed miserably to catch fish at Delphi this week. In fairness to them conditions were pretty hopeless, with only1.3mm of rain since my last update and the continuing pattern of NE winds, so we will forgive them somewhat for this rare blank on their catch sheets.

Bearing in mind the skill and expertise of the anglers who had fished this week and the river  being at 0 it was two anglers from Dublinwho stole the limelight this week. Yesterday morning David Dunne and Alan Mulloy much to everybody’s surprise including my own came up from having spent an hour and a half on the river after landing three fish.

Incredibly two of these fish were sea liced and the other very fresh. David Dunne had two, one of 5lbs1oz in the Turn Pool and the second of approx.7lbs in the Whin. Both fish were taken on a Cascade. Alan Molloy also had his in the Turn Pool. It weighed in at 7lbs13ozs and was also taken on a Cascade.

One would almost think that the fish would have to be dropped in from the sky at this level. But as one of our great regulars always says “You’ll never know the minute” and it also helps when the flies are in the water.

These fish certainly brought renewed enthusiasm to the place but I’m afraid as yet the feat has not been repeated.

Alan Molloy and David Dunne with their catch at Delphi
Alan Molloy and David Dunne with their catch at Delphi

May 7th:  It was a great day for John Gode who managed to land his first ever salmon on Doolough yesterday. The fish weighed in at 8lbs15ozs and was taken on the troll.

The fish was relatively fresh, less than a month and needless to say John was a very happy man. He is pictured here with Andrea who was also trying to catch her first salmon.

On the score sheet again was Alan Molloy who had another sea liced fish from the Whin Pool, yesterday. It was taken on a Cascade and weighed in at approx. 6lbs. The river at this stage was at -3.

We got some rain last night and this morning 24.2mm and the river peaked at 15 and is now at 12.

Having said that it didn’t make any difference to Jens Kober on his first visit to Delphi, who within 15 minutes of starting landed a sea liced fish of 6lbs and half an ounce on a Collie Dog from the Whin Pool. The fish was netted by Heribert Konvalin who having fished all last week and still hasn’t  got off the mark, did well not to knock the fish off and throw Jens in the river.

Hopefully we will get a bit more rain this week as there seems to be a good number of fish on the way.

It looks like there is definitely some rain coming this week so it will be interesting to see what happens.

Jens Kober and Heribert Konvalin
Jens Kober and Heribert Konvalin
John Gode at Delphi
John Gode at Delphi

D McEvoy
Delphi Fishery
Delphi Lodge, Leenane, Co. Galway.
Tel: +353 (0)95-42222 Fax +353-95-42296