The Atlantic Salmon Trust
Boosting salmon numbers:
is stocking the answer or the problem?
27- 28 November 2013, Marriott Hotel, Glasgow
jointly organised with IBIS
as part of the IBIS Knowledge Transfer programme




Boosting salmon numbers: is stocking the answer or the problem? 27-28 November 2013, Marriott Hotel, Glasgow
The debate on the pros and cons of stocking has continued for many decades, sometimes generating more heat than light.
The Atlantic Salmon Trust is joining with the EU-funded research and training project IBIS (“Integrated Aquatic Resource Management Between Ireland, N Ireland and Scotland”) to invite leading speakers to discuss all aspects of salmon stocking at a major conference.

Over two days, we will examine in depth the potential role of stocking in restoring, sustaining and enhancing salmon populations and fisheries. We are bringing together experts on salmon science and management – including those with direct experience of stocking – to join with anglers and fishery managers in exploring the potential for salmon stocking, including its effectiveness and risks.

We’ll look at such issues as: how does stocking affect numbers of returning adults? Is it cost effective? What is the role of genetics and climate change? The presentations will range from the underlying science to case studies and examples of best practice. This exciting conference is fully financially supported by IBIS; attendees will only be asked to pay for their own travel and hotel costs, and the conference dinner if attending.
Full details of agenda, speakers and how to register will be available in the New Year. If you would like to receive these, please email [email protected] and in the meantime, please reserve the date in your diaries.