RIVER DROWES – Monday 9th  to Sunday 15th April 2012.
The river remained at very low levels all week despite the odd shower of rain that occurred. At present the gauge at the Four Masters Bridge is only reading around 0.43 metres. This is a very low level for spring. Angling was difficult over the week due to bright sunlight, cold conditions and low water. There was however a dozen salmon reported caught the details of 9 of these are given here. On Monday, K. Envis recorded an 8lb salmon caught on prawn from the Money Hole. A. Kendall logged a 9lb salmon caught on prawn from the Sea Pool. Brendan Madden registered an 8lb salmon caught on an Ally’s Shrimp fly from Lennox’s Bridge and P. Foley also recorded a salmon caught. On Tuesday, Tom O’Neill recorded a 12lb salmon caught on a Rapala from the Sand Hole and Peter Zahnd accounted for a 7lb fish caught on a Toby lure from the New Bridge. On Thursday, James O’Toole recorded a 5lb salmon caught on a fly from the Sea Pool. On Friday, James’s brother Dennis registered an 8lb salmon caught on a Cascade fly from the Black Hole. On Saturday, Woznan Wakdshaw accounted for an 8lb salmon caught on prawn from the Island Pool.


T.O'Neill with Drowes 12lb Salmon
T.O’Neill with Drowes 12lb Salmon

 The forecast for the coming week is for unsettled weather which will hopefully bring some decent rain and raise the river to more favourable levels.

B.Madden with Drowes 8lb Salmon
B.Madden with Drowes 8lb Salmon


Drowes Salmon Fishery

T: +353 (0) 71 98 41055
M: +353 (0) 87 8050806
